Friday, August 18, 2017

Decisions, decisions, decisions...

So close. But so far away

It has been almost two years since my last post about building guitars. I'm not really sure where all that time went.

You see a guitar body.  I see a 'to do' list.

As you can see, I have two projects that are pretty far along (and another two projects that are just starting out).

I have, in fact worked on these two projects here and there (but not much) in the last two years - I just haven't written about it.

The Les Paul (the darker of the two in the pictures above) needs more work but is the one I've been working on more 'recently.' The 12 string semi-hollow is much older. I started it about 8 years ago but is pretty far along. So, which one to work on?


I'm kind of thinking I'll start with the 12 string. It would be nice to FINISH a project - and that one is closer.

Sorry Les Paul.  Your day will come.
...soon, I hope.

The original blog for this build can be found here:
I'm going to finish the 12 string build on this blog.

Once more into the breach!

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